Micro-Services Development

Microservices architecture is a better way of implementing a service oriented architecture. It gives you the ability to create competitive software which is scalable, flexible, and reliable. Microservice architecture, or simply microservices, is a distinctive method of developing software systems that tries to focus on building single-function modules with well-defined interfaces and operations.

Microservice brings lots of benefits like Simpler To Deploy (Deploy in literal pieces without affecting other services), Simpler To Understand (Follow code easier since the function is isolated and less dependent), Reusability Across Business (Share small services like payment or login systems across the business)

Our process is simple and effective we begin with an existing legacy application that is typically massive. The first stage is <b>decomposition</b>, we separate an existing infrastructure into modules or parts. We still keep all the connections and relations within the code but check for code duplication. This step helps to make the code more stable, compact, and easier to support. Next Stage is called decoupling, in simpler terms turning modules into independent microservices. It helps to make parts of the application easy to manage.

Modular Services

Domain-Driven Design

Eventual Consistency

Distributed System

Loosely Coupled
